
Helping Young Professionals Stay, Work, and Play in Central VA!

TechLink Central Virginia, a Central Virginia Partnership program which is partially funded by GO Virginia Region 9, helps to bridge the gap between regional employers and current UVA and community college students. The goal is to prevent brain drain and keep the graduates in the tech industry, in our region. By working together TechLink provides greater visibility for entry-level tech jobs and insights into companies, careers, and the quality of life in our region.

Find or Post a Job

UVA students can see a curated list of Central VA entry-level technology jobs on Handshake by clicking here. Businesses that want to advertise a job on our platforms can reach out to TechLink Director Katie Dulaney.

Latest Entry-Level Tech Jobs
Student Newsletter

Our weekly student newsletter highlights new job postings, spotlights tech relevant companies throughout the region, contains sector specific news, and shares important networking events students don’t want to miss.

Sign up for our Student Newsletter
Share Your Success

Did we help you find a job? Hire a qualified young professional? Please take a moment to let us know by filling out this form. These metrics help our grant, help us understand what strategies of ours work best, and allow us to celebrate your good news with you!

Tell Us Your Good News

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Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for future event dates!

Company Spotlights

Click on company logos to learn more about Central VA businesses within the sectors of biotechnology, business and financial services, information technology, and light manufacturing. Check back often for new spotlights!